Christmas: God With Us

“They shall call his name Immanuel, which means, God with us.”
(Matthew 1:23)
At this wonderful Christmas season, we rejoice in the with-ness of God! He is not distant and aloof. He is with us, wherever we are, whatever we are facing – and with His whole heart too.
Around 118 times in the Bible, God assures us that He is with us. But His nearness shines the most brightly in Jesus. He entered this world with “God with us” as His name, His very identity. His presence with us now and forever is just who He is, way down deep.
Three thoughts about “God with us.” One, God is with us. We see so much against us, and we feel small. But God is with us. The Bible says, “I saw a great white throne, and God was seated on it, and earth and sky fled from his presence” (Revelation 20:11). That is who our Ally is!
Two, God is with us. His attention is focused on us. He sees our need. He hears our cry. And if God is for us and with us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)? Ultimately, not even us.
Three, God is with us. He was with us in the coming of Jesus, and He is with us today. He is not just with important people or smart people or cool people. He is with us.
“God with us” – let’s take it in, let’s dare to believe it, and let’s have a Merry Christmas!
Around 118 times in the Bible, God assures us that He is with us. But His nearness shines the most brightly in Jesus. He entered this world with “God with us” as His name, His very identity. His presence with us now and forever is just who He is, way down deep.
Three thoughts about “God with us.” One, God is with us. We see so much against us, and we feel small. But God is with us. The Bible says, “I saw a great white throne, and God was seated on it, and earth and sky fled from his presence” (Revelation 20:11). That is who our Ally is!
Two, God is with us. His attention is focused on us. He sees our need. He hears our cry. And if God is for us and with us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31)? Ultimately, not even us.
Three, God is with us. He was with us in the coming of Jesus, and He is with us today. He is not just with important people or smart people or cool people. He is with us.
“God with us” – let’s take it in, let’s dare to believe it, and let’s have a Merry Christmas!
Posted in God