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#2 - My Boyfriend is an Alcoholic, Should I Continue Dating Him and What's the Deal with Marriage in

Apr 20, 2021    Jonathan Herron

Sure, you're passionate about God... but what do you do when the stuff hits the fan?

At Life Church, we believe the local church should be a safe place to ask your questions, bring your doubts, and work through life's hiccups and hang-ups... together.

On this new podcast, author and pastor Jonathan Herron answers YOUR honest, real and authentic questions about anything:

- God
- sex
- relationships
- money
- life choices
- theology
- whatever!

Text Your Anonymous Questions to 989-249-3880 and maybe we'll tackle your question on a future episode of the podcast!


SUBSCRIBE NOW on Apple Podcasts:

SPREAD THE WORD -- Together, let's see what God can do through you!


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