Join us at our Midland location this Sunday, 9:30am

Week Six

Read Chapters 13 - 15

"I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper."  (John 14:16)

1.  What aspect of the Spirit is chapter 13 drawing out?  Have you thought about this side of the Holy Spirit before?  (pp. 121-122)

2.  How does Thomas Goodwin explain the purpose of Christ's going away and the Spirit's coming?  (pp. 123-124)

3.  What are the implications of the fact that the Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force but a person? (pp. 124-125)

4.  What does 1 Corinthians 2:12 teach us about the role of the Spirit? (p. 125)

5.  What is chapter 13 saying about the connection between the Holy Spirit and the heart of Christ?  How does this affect you?  (pp. 125-126)

6.  Consider the quote by A.W. Tozer that kicks off chapter 14.  What first comes into your mind when you think about God?  (p. 127)

7.  When you think of the Father, do you tend to think of him as somehow less loving than the Son?  Is this an accurate way of thinking?  Why or why not?  (pp. 128-129)

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