Join us at our Midland location this Sunday, 9:30am

Week Five

Read Chapters 10 - 12

"...a friend of tax collectors and sinners."  (Matthew 11:19)

1.  What is the distinct contribution Jonathan Edwards makes to how we should think about the heart of Christ?  (pp. 95-96)

2.  Do you think much in terms of beauty when you think of God or Christ? (pp. 96-98)

3.  Are you "romancing" the heart of Christ?  What would it mean to do so?  (p. 99)

4.  Is Jesus a human right now?  What is the implication of this for how we are to understand Christ's heart?  (pp. 103-104)

5.  What is the connection between Christ's compassion and anger?  Are these two at odds?  Why or why not?  (pp. 108-109)

6.  What might it mean for Jesus to be angry with you?  (pp. 111-112)

7.  Do you find it instinctively irreverent to speak of Christ as our friend?  What in your life experience informs your answer?  (p. 113)

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