Week One
Read Chapters 1 - 2
"I am gentle and lowly in heart."
(Matthew 11:29)
1. What role does the heart play in a person's life?
What are the implications of this for what Jesus says about His own heart?
(pp. 18-19)
2. What are some of the ways in which the New Testament depicts the "lowly"?
What does this teach us about Jesus?
(pp. 19-20)
3. What difference does it make in your everyday life that "no one in human history has ever been more approachable that Jesus Christ?"
(p. 20)
4. What does Jesus mean when He says, "My yoke is easy"?
What does He not mean?
(p. 22)
5. According to Thomas Goodwin, what misconception is Jesus correcting when He describes Himself as "gentle and lowly"?
How do you find yourself falling prey to that misconception in your own thinking?
(pp. 23-24)
6. How do Jesus's actions throughout the four Gospels manifest His heart for sinners?
To whom does He naturally gravitate?
(pp. 25-27)
7. Does stressing the compassionate love of Christ underemphasize other elements of His character?
What considerations must we keep in mind as we answer this question?
(pp. 28-29)
8, How is Jesus's natural impulse toward sin and suffering different from our typical instinct?
What can we learn from His example?
(p. 30)
9. How does Jesus reverse the interplay between the Old Testament categories of clean and unclean?
What relevance does this have for your own life?
(pp. 30-31)
10. How do we today receive and experience the same compassionate love that Christ demonstrated in His earthly ministry?
(pp. 32-33)
"I am gentle and lowly in heart."
(Matthew 11:29)
1. What role does the heart play in a person's life?
What are the implications of this for what Jesus says about His own heart?
(pp. 18-19)
2. What are some of the ways in which the New Testament depicts the "lowly"?
What does this teach us about Jesus?
(pp. 19-20)
3. What difference does it make in your everyday life that "no one in human history has ever been more approachable that Jesus Christ?"
(p. 20)
4. What does Jesus mean when He says, "My yoke is easy"?
What does He not mean?
(p. 22)
5. According to Thomas Goodwin, what misconception is Jesus correcting when He describes Himself as "gentle and lowly"?
How do you find yourself falling prey to that misconception in your own thinking?
(pp. 23-24)
6. How do Jesus's actions throughout the four Gospels manifest His heart for sinners?
To whom does He naturally gravitate?
(pp. 25-27)
7. Does stressing the compassionate love of Christ underemphasize other elements of His character?
What considerations must we keep in mind as we answer this question?
(pp. 28-29)
8, How is Jesus's natural impulse toward sin and suffering different from our typical instinct?
What can we learn from His example?
(p. 30)
9. How does Jesus reverse the interplay between the Old Testament categories of clean and unclean?
What relevance does this have for your own life?
(pp. 30-31)
10. How do we today receive and experience the same compassionate love that Christ demonstrated in His earthly ministry?
(pp. 32-33)
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